Catherine's Letters

Catherine's Letters - Jean-Philippe Aubourg Sometimes You Get More Than You Paid For

4.25 Stars

I have to say that I found this book to be a fun read. Loved the way that the reading of the letters interweave the journey of self-discovery that both Adrienne and Catherine were on. Each letter read, inspiring the next chapter in the current century story. And bonus for the reader, you get the chance for a double happy ending. Yippee!

This book was a refreshing break from the more often found formula of the all-knowing dominant sweeping the innocent and sometimes reluctant submissive off her feet. The role-play scenes were cute and written in a way that you could feel the affection between the characters. The ménage scenes are quite tasty, all possible puns intended, even if it did leave me with a desire to say, “A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead all walk into a bar…”

Though it is not a thing I would really condone in real life, I must admit that I grinned the whole way through the payback the girls devised for the cheating James. The world of fiction can free up such lovely possibilities for revenge… even if it was somewhat enjoyed, or not.

I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for a more lighthearted side to their kinky reading.